Sunday, June 3, 2012

Marketing 101: F is for Fan Page

Facebook offers a cool option for authors (not to mention other people).  You can set up a fan page.  When people come across it and click LIKE, they will get your updates on their home page.  It takes a while to build up a following for your fan page.  Most of the people who have LIKEd my pages have found them by accident.  I have one set up for Vampires Rule.  That was my first page.  Then I decided I should have used my name instead.  So now I have two pages. 

Every time I publish a new book, I tell people about it using these fan pages.  You can add the link to your book.  This usually makes a thumbnail of the book cover appear. 

Here is my Fan Page for Vampires Rule:

Here is my Fan Page for K.C. Blake:

If you've enjoyed my books and have a FB account, please LIKE the fan pages. 
Thank you, and happy marketing!

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